Category: Caves of Night

Extracts from The Caves of Night

On a knife-edge

Jane had been there before – or rather, Cynthia. In John Christopher’s The Caves of Night, after a caving accident, she finds herself clinging on to the edge of an abyss, with the weight of...

The Graf

The room was of classical dimensions, with a rococo plaster frieze and a ceiling painted with what looked like a florid variation on ‘The Origin of the Milky Way’. The furniture, however, was all contemporary....

My business is pleasure

Cynthia asked: ‘Isn’t that a Van Eyck on the wall over there?’ The smile touched his lips. ‘If one looks at it from such a distance, yes. If one stands close and examines it by...

Magic paintings

Henry held the lamp over the hole. In a moment Albrecht’s silver-grey head emerged from the chimney’s constriction, and shortly afterwards he hauled himself out to stand beside them. ‘Not the most comfortable route,’ he...

Anyone for tennis?

Albrecht asked her: ‘You had made plans as to what you would do this morning?’ ‘I thought I might go for a walk. It’s such a lovely day.’ The inquiry was innocent enough, but it...

Until the Day of Wrath

He touched her elbow to guide her away from the pool; his hand was rough against her flesh. They walked through the shrubbery and came out into the parkland which made up the greater part...

A different woman

‘What was all this about skeletons? She talks so fast I can’t understand her half the time.’ This was the natural moment to tell Henry about it – lightly, for their joint amusement. The excuse...

Like a mermaid

Cynthia and Peter tired of swimming before Heather did. They changed into clothes and then sat in deck-chairs on the edge of the pool, watching her enthusiastic cavortings. She went prowling, mermaid-like, along the bottom...