Category: Sam Youd

active form death suicide

And the other prediction?

‘I’ve got an idea Ming was right about Britton. I don’t think he’ll be leaving … just yet, anyway. If he’s at all hesitant, you won’t discourage him, will you? You can put up with...

The table reared

I felt a need to intervene; not to save Britton from whatever might be in store for him – I had neither sympathy nor interest in that – but to reaffirm the principle of my...

Spiritual vibrations

‘Has Howard rigged up that variable red light he was working on yet?’ Piers clicked a switch and darkness moved round us with its silent, intangible tread. His voice seemed to have a harsh and...

The barest emphasis

I went over to the table with him while Piers fixed the radiogram. Lulu, Britton and I took our chairs, Lulu sitting between us so that she faced Piers’s empty chair. Britton gazed round at...

Your spies are everywhere

Piers, I observed, greeted us both with the same smile, an incongruous glance of friendship from those deep, withdrawn eyes of his. He said to Britton: ‘Lend Lulu a hand with the table, Joe, will...

Pursuing the paranormal

‘Joe! Ready to come up and tackle the spooks? Piers told me to fetch you.’ She flicked her head sideways. ‘And you, of course, Tenn.’ My earlier resentment was not completely gone. There was no...

We carry our roads with us

‘Good old Rupert. Nothing’s lost on you, is it? All grist to the sacred mill. But what comes out of all that grist? What makes the mill-wheel turn? And who’s the miller?’ ‘Comes out?’ Rupert...