Part of the future – like electricity
‘I’ve never thought money important,’ Gilbert said. ‘So many people who have it seem not to know how to live.’
‘I suppose if you have a great deal of money it becomes important. If you haven’t enough it does, too.’
Gilbert said, ‘But you’re not in that position.’
‘Not in either position. That makes it easier to know how to live, as you put it.’
‘Indifference to money derives from character, not the other way round.’
‘No. I can’t agree, sir.’
Gilbert smiled. ‘Are you a socialist, then?’
‘Not exactly. But something like socialism has to come, I think.’
‘Part of the future,’ Gilbert said. ‘Like electricity.’
‘You may well be right. Not in my time. Perhaps not in yours. It’s your children they will strip.’
‘If they do strip him,’ Lionel said, ‘I think my son should be able to stand up naked. If you abandon privilege, there’s more chance for merit.’
‘And if he doesn’t have merit?’
‘He will have.