Category: Babel Itself

Extracts from Babel Itself

I knew who had come

I was content to wait now. I waited, relaxed on small haunches, in the west corner, the one from which the mechanical airship used to set out on its jerky, wire-suspended flight towards the patient...

coffee in bed donne leibniz

Now you know you have my blessing

‘I’d like to come in on the Wednesday séances. Howard would probably be willing to change. There wouldn’t be any objection to that, would there?’ I said: ‘So it’s getting serious?’ He asked: ‘What is?’...

The world’s a transit camp

‘You think I’ve given up the idea – of going to Presley.’ I said: ‘Have you?’ ‘I don’t know.’ He half turned to look out of the window towards the flickering, grey sky. In profile...

Range Round-Up

On Saturday there was chaos. One of the Irish printers had somehow managed to mix up my private and registered addresses, and despatched an entire consignment of Range Round-Up to Number 36. They were dumped...

Little surprises

I kicked one of the parcels lying beside my feet. ‘Well, these are yours now. That’s all I’m concerned with. You can get rid of them as soon as you like.’ He pulled another copy...

Oh dear

She stared helplessly at the parcels, each with its neat, mimeographed label: Tennyson Glebe Publications Ltd., 36, Regency Gardens, S.W.7. ‘There’s such a lot of them.’ The front door was standing open. The milkman came...

An alien universe

When I had got rid of Delaney there was the mail to deal with. I had picked it up the previous afternoon after three days in which I hadn’t called at the office, and there...

The head of Goethe

I was writing the address when Howard came in. There was something unusual about his appearance. I looked at him carefully. His blue corduroy trousers were gaping a little more widely from the tear at...

"persian cat" "women" "unselfconscious" amazon

If only women were a tenth as graceful

The Cat settled down fairly quickly at Number 36. Within forty-eight hours she was sufficiently at home in her new surroundings to be displaying manifestations of character of apparent reliability. Leaving on one side the...