Looking into the cauldron
It happened very quickly, and without the others’ being able to make out much of what had happened; they were at the point in the crossing where the light, from either source, was least effective....
The SYLE Press
It happened very quickly, and without the others’ being able to make out much of what had happened; they were at the point in the crossing where the light, from either source, was least effective....
Cynthia lay on the smooth expanse of stalagmite, with Heather on one side of her and Henry on the other. She was able to tell, from the deeper regularity of her breathing, that Heather had...
Albrecht was lighting the acetylene lamp. In its brightness, the magic of their surroundings broadened and became more general, but was not lessened on that account. The cave here was some thirty feet across. The...
Henry had belayed the top of the ladder on a couple of irons driven into the ground, and was watching them to make sure they held firm. The only light was from his headlamp, which...
‘We’re travelling up, I take it,’ Peter said. ‘Wherever we can. It may not always be possible. But this is a good start, and the current of air is from above. Is everyone sorted out?...
While they were scrambling up towards the hole, Henry turned his headlamp, for the last time, on the cave which they were abandoning. The water level was very close to where they stood. Its steady,...
Cynthia said quietly: ‘Henry?’ ‘Yes?’ ‘What chance have we?’ ‘Very good, provided we keep our heads.’ ‘You shouldn’t lie to me.’ He lifted his head to look at her; the light from his lamp dazzled...
Henry said sharply: ‘One thing we’re waiting for is to find that torch you have dropped.’ He swung his head from side to side, scanning the cave floor with the light. ‘One match may make...
The light from the headlamp covered the place where the mouth of the tunnel had been. There was none there now. The collapsed wall lay in a heap of shattered rock against which the river...
Sam Youd was born in Lancashire in April 1922, during an unseasonable snowstorm.
As a young boy, he was devoted to the newly emergent genre of science-fiction: ‘In the early thirties,’ he later wrote, ‘we knew just enough about the solar system for its possibilities to be a magnet to the imagination.’
Over the following decades, his imagination flowed from science-fiction into general novels, cricket novels, medical novels, gothic romances, detective thrillers, light comedies …