But we went first, as Jinny wanted, to the fun-fair. It was her land, her happy home; for sixpence she could be raised into shouting screaming ecstasies of mirth. Whirling round in a thing called...
The SYLE Press
But we went first, as Jinny wanted, to the fun-fair. It was her land, her happy home; for sixpence she could be raised into shouting screaming ecstasies of mirth. Whirling round in a thing called...
We scaled the dunes together, pulling ourselves up by the tufts of grass which had found a footing in this unpromising ground. On the top we stared out towards the distant sea, and the even...
‘Look what Ikey sent me! Isn’t it lovely? Eh, I feel a proper bad woman with this round my neck.’ She waved it at Solly. ‘It’s all right, isn’t it, Solly? Here you’ve been courting...
Mamma said: ‘You know what it’s like when some of them get a bit of the drink in them. Sean and Victor and Abram, now, they’re none of them particular what they say – or...
I suppose this sense of reassurance may have contributed to making me think of Jinny’s wedding as such a wonderful affair. It helped that we were unused to rich food, too; at home there was...
Sean O’Connell and Victor Wilkins took to the free drink as Mamma had said they would and began to shout remarks which were indelicate, with the promise of leading to even worse. Jinny rose in...
The food had been eaten, and there were cries for a speech from the groom. Isaak, when it had been made clear to him what was required, stood up. He looked around the mass of...
The extra expense caused by Anna’s illness and my own was enough to be a sharp irritant, but was not crippling. Dadda worked harder, and the little business continued to float in the turbulent waters...
Another thing that summer was Anna’s doll’s house. It was while she was still in hospital that my accident occurred, and Solly took over from Mamma the duty of visiting her. The first afternoon he...
Mamma said: ‘Isn’t it lovely, Anna? Have you thanked Solly?’ Anna turned round. She was smiling and I think the smile deceived the two adults; Solly, at any rate. It did not deceive me. I...