Category: World in WInter

Extracts from The World in Winter

Not an ice-floe in sight

Torbock was a large red-faced man, in his early forties, with a generous but straggly moustache. He looked as though the heat bothered him. ‘Do come in,’ Madeleine said. ‘We had your message. I’m Madeleine...

Too late

A small noise awoke Andrew in the night. He looked towards Madeleine’s bed and saw that she was standing beside it, her body white in the moonlight that came through the net curtains. He said...

A night on the town

Outside the New Moon Cabaret Café, at two o’clock in the morning, the winking neon cast regular patterns of light and shade on the ranks of parked bicycles, and on the relatively few cars that...

A toast to frozen London

The waiter brought their drinks over – service was prompt here – and Andrew rattled the ice in his glass. ‘The Albert Hall, Abo,’ he said, ‘coupled with the Albert Memorial.’ Abonitu raised his glass...

The military mind

‘You said he’s wily, but not intelligent. He told me about the deportation scheme. That was quite bright. Someone else’s?’ The Colonel paused. ‘Yes.’ ‘It has the flavour of a military mind. Yours?’ ‘Yes.’ ‘Over...